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유엔세계재활기구(UNWRO)_“UNWRO-UN&ICG, 인류미래희망기금” 정의. 세계지구재난방재의 원-싸이클시스템과 관련._“…

1,571 2016.07.14 23:36

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유엔세계재활기구(UNWRO)_“UNWRO-UN&ICG, 인류미래희망기금” 정의. 세계지구재난방재의 원-싸이클시스템과 관련._“유엔세계재활기구 경제사회이사회”, 스위스 제네바 본부에서 개최예정. The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO)_"UNWRO-UN&ICG, Human Future, Hope Fund" definition. World Earth disaster prevention-and "One-cycle system" will be held in Geneva, Switzerland headquarters._related "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization Economic and Social Council". (Mr. Jung-Sun Kim) <세계재활기구_World Rehabilitation Organization>의 자료를 옮겨 제공합니다. <자료제공. http://www.wro5.com>


유엔세계재활기구(UNWRO)_“UNWRO-UN&ICG 인류미래희망기금” 정의.

세계지구재난방재의 원-싸이클시스템과 관련._“유엔세계재활기구 경제사회이사회”,

스위스 제네바 본부에서 개최예정.

The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO)_

"UNWRO-UN&ICG, Human Future, Hope Fund" definition.

World Earth disaster prevention-and "One-cycle system"

will be held in Geneva, Switzerland headquarters._related

"United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization Economic and Social Council".

Dear Sirs,

ICG_International Commercial Group.
SPMUDA International Human Rights Commission/European & United Nations NGO.
SPMUDA International Organizations for Peace and Development.
NGO Branch_United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs.
Human Rights Commission/European & United Nations NGO.

Founding Chairman/International President


Humanity in the future, due to global peace and space conflicts, to preserve the human race for "Earth disaster prevention" and "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization_World Earth disaster prevention Research Institute" to the "cosmic disaster policy" and the relevant United Nations and the United Nations Economic and Social Council, the deepest thanks and respect for the positive support that you sent,_ "UNWRO-UN&ICG, Human Future, Hope Fund" proposed recommendations for use.

Proposed recommendations.

1. The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization UN&ICG_International Commercial Group (HRH Dr. BISHOP CHRIS KEMBER_Founding Chairman/International President) tribute submitted, the "United Nations Funding and World Funds" given the name of UN&ICG is, "UNWRO-UN & ICG, Human Future, Hope Fund" with, we suggest that you define.

2. "UNWRO-UN&ICG, Human Future, Hope Fund" is coming shut_due to the "planet collision of cosmic order", to the "Earth Disaster Prevention" and a bright future of the human race, class, world countries, ethnic, sectarian, identity sensible without,_rooted in "the spirit of world peace and human equality", suggests that the basis of the "world Disabled Universal Declaration of Human Rights", make recommendations to suffer "world neighbors" are, to use the full human rights and world.

3. The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization, September 17, 2014. When published as official agencies of the United Nations, at the 69th UN General Assembly, in connection with the establishment, which has been published previously in "under the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization UNWRB(United Nations World Rehabilitation Bank)" United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland and configuration, "the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization Economic and Social Council", it proposed to recommend the convening.

4. "The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization Economic and Social Council" is associated with the global financial system, "One-cycle system" and the "Program for the network" to understand, to realize, the former "World financial expert" and "World Financial Programmer" with, will be constructed. In particular, to Programs, to succeed to the network system, the global financial, UN&ICG(HRH Dr. BISHOP CHRIS KEMBER_Founding Chairman/International President) has to bolting to give to take the "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization Economic and Social Council," the "first chairman".

5. UNWRB(United Nations World Rehabilitation Bank), and the "World Finance" all around the world, "One-Cycle System" and the program "Network" and, by_First, "UNWRO-UN&ICG, Human Future, Hope Fund", etc, I will be supported so that they can be healed through the "Framework Convention on Climate Change program", the "Food Crisis Convention Program System" and "System of Medical Support System", to the world "suffering neighbor".

6. Job of "youth unemployment around the world suffering so that they can be shared by" the value of happiness "for the life of" human dignity "of" under the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization, 21 Union organization "through social programs and economic system, "We will be supporting the creation.

Over the 26 years, has been prepared to be born "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization" is.

At the end of the constant suggestion of "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization", in June 2012. UN organizations have been installed, the "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization" is ready to stage "the UN Disability Rights Commission (CRPD_Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)" is.

However, in the organization of the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization, which is extremely appropriate for some, may not even realize what "world policy" in connection with "the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization", is operating as a form of CRPD Committee.

September 17. 2014. In Article 69 UN General Assembly, a Earth Disaster, underprivileged around the world and for the treatment of the terminally ill and incurable "Human Genome Research Medicine" spirit of the United Nations, of the World Disabled "welfare recharge" of the world afflicted neighbors, etc. It's, to be the origin, the root of the [world Disabled Universal Declaration of Human Rights so that it can be expressed in the title "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization" is, to be the active support of the UN and UN member states hope.

유엔세계재활기구(UNWRO)_“UNWRO-UN&ICG 인류미래희망기금” 정의.

세계지구재난방재의 원-싸이클시스템과 관련._“유엔세계재활기구 경제사회이사회”,

스위스 제네바 본부에서 개최예정.

The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO)_

"UNWRO-UN&ICG, Human Future, Hope Fund" definition.

World Earth disaster prevention-and "One-cycle system"

will be held in Geneva, Switzerland headquarters._related

"United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization Economic and Social Council".


인류 미래의 세계평화와 우주충돌로 인한 인류보존을 위한 지구재난방재를 위해, 유엔세계재활기구 세계지구재난방재연구소의 우주재난정책과 관련하여, 유엔 및 유엔경제사회이사회에서 적극적인 지지를 보내주신 점에 대해 깊은 감사와 경의를 표합니다. “UNWRO-UN&ICG 인류미래희망기금” 사용에 대한 권고사항을 제안합니다.

권고사항 제안.

1. 유엔세계재활기구는 UN&ICG_International Commercial Group (HRH Dr. BISHOP CHRIS KEMBER_Founding Chairman/International President)에서 헌정해주신, “유엔기금 및 세계기금”을 UN&ICG의 명칭이 부여된, “UNWRO-UN&ICG 인류미래희망기금”으로, 정의 할 것을 제안합니다.

2. “UNWRO-UN&ICG 인류미래희망기금”은 닥쳐오고 있는, 우주질서의 행성충돌로 인한 지구재난방재와 인류의 밝은 미래를 위하여, 세계국가, 민족, 종파, 계층, 신분을 분별하지 않고, 세계평화와 인간평등 정신에 뿌리를 둔, “세계 인권과 세계장애인인권선언”에 기초하여, 고통 받는 세계 이웃들에게, 전액 사용되도록 권고할 것을 제안합니다.

3. 유엔세계재활기구가, 2014년9월17일 제69차 유엔총회에서, 유엔에 정식 산하기구로 공표될 경우, 기존에 공표된 바 있는 “유엔세계재활기구 산하 유엔세계재활은행” 설립과 관련되어, 유엔세계재활기구 스위스 제네바 본부에서, “유엔세계재활기구 경제사회이사회”가 구성되고, 소집을 권고할 것을 제안합니다.

4. “유엔세계재활기구 경제사회이사회”는, 세계금융시스템과 관련된, 원-싸이클시스템 및 네트웍에 대한 프로그램을 이해하고, 실현할 수 있는, 전 세계금융전문가 및 세계금융프로그래머들로, 구성될 것입니다. 특히, 세계금융을, 네트웍 시스템에 대한 프로그램를,  성공하기 위해서는, UN&ICG (HRH Dr. BISHOP CHRIS KEMBER_Founding Chairman/International President)께서 “유엔세계재활기구 경제사회이사회”의 초대의장을 맡아주실 것을 추대합니다.

5. 유엔세계재활은행은, 전 세계 각국의 세계금융을, 원-싸이클시스템 및 네트웍을 프로그램화하여, 우선적으로 “UNWRO-UN&ICG 인류미래희망기금” 등을, 전 세계 고통 받는 이웃들에게, “기후변화협약프로그램, 식량위기협약프로그램 시스템 및 의료지원체계시스템”을 통해, 치유될 수 있도록 지원될 것입니다.

6. "유엔세계재활기구 산하 21개 연맹조직”의, 사회적 시스템과 경제적 프로그램을 통하여, "인간존엄성"의 삶에 대한 "행복의 가치"가 공유될 수 있도록, 세계 각국의 고통 받는 “청년실업의 일자리” 창출에 지원될 것입니다.

26년에 걸쳐, “유엔세계재활기구”가 탄생되기를 준비해왔습니다.

“유엔세계재활기구”의 끊임없는 제안 끝에, 2012년6월. 유엔조직에 “유엔세계재활기구”의 준비단계인 “유엔장애인권리위원회(CRPD_Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities)”가 설치되었습니다.

그러나 유엔세계재활기구의 조직에 있어서, 극히 일부에 해당하는, CRPD 위원회 형태의 운영으로는, “유엔세계재활기구”와 관련하여, 어떠한 "세계정책"도 실현시킬 수 없습니다.

2014년9월17일. 제69차 유엔총회에서, 유엔의 정신, 세계 각국의 소외된 계층과 세계장애인들의 복지함양, 지구재난으로 고통 받는 이웃, 불치병-난치병의 치료를 위한 인간게놈의학연구 등의 기원이 될, [세계장애인인권선언]의 근본인 “유엔세계재활기구”의 명칭이 발현될 수 있도록, 유엔 및 유엔회원국들의 적극적인 지지가 있기를 희망합니다.

August 15, 2014.

United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO)
Mr. Jung-Sun, Kim.
Chairman of UNWRO.

E-mail: wro5@wro5.com


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