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유엔세계재활기구_유엔방송(UNWRO_UNB)._World News, @wro5's media. 세계인명사전(Who's Who …

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유엔세계재활기구_유엔방송(UNWRO_UNB). (United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization_United Nations Broadcasting)_World News, @wro5's media. 세계인명사전(Who's Who in the World, Worldwide Who's Who)_2015년9월17일. 제70차 유엔총회에서 전 세계 각국의 “Who's Who in the World” 회원이 함께하는 자리에서 “유엔세계재활기구의 비준상정통과”를 기원합니다. September 17, 2015. In the "Who's Who in the World" Member of the world together in place, "the 70th UN General Assembly", wishes to "pass intended ratification" of the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization. (Mr. Jung-Sun Kim) <세계재활기구_World Rehabilitation Organization>의 자료를 옮겨 제공합니다.<자료제공.http://www.wro5.com>


Who's Who in the World 
Worldwide Who's Who

United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO)
Mr. Jung-Sun, Kim.
Chairman of UNWRO.

E-mail: wro5@wro5.com

Pauline T. JD/LLB (Hons) LLM
Founder & UCLA Law School
Who's Who in the World, Worldwide Who's Who,
Founder, Ascendo Intl Grp, Global Entrepreneur.


Dear Pauline

유엔세계재활기구(#)는 유엔의 정신, 세계 각국의 소외된 계층과 세계장애인들의 복지함양, 지구재난으로 고통 받는 이웃, 불치병-난치병의 치료를 위한 인간게놈의학연구 등의 기원이 될, [세계장애인인권선언]의 근본으로 삼고 있습니다. 
The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization(#), the spirit of the United Nations, around the world and underprivileged of the world's disabled foster welfare, "suffering from neighboring earth disaster" and "incurable disease-intractable disease" for the treatment of origin to "study the human genome medicine" that is, the "world Disabled Universal Declaration of Human Rights", has been a root.

유엔세계재활기구에 세계 각국으로부터 부여된 모든 기금은 투명하고 공개적인 국제금융시스템을 통해 고통 받는 인류를 위해서 전액 사용될 것입니다. 상기에 말씀드렸듯이, 지구재난과 고통 받는 세계 각국의 불치병, 난치병 치료를 위해 의료지원 및 각종 질병의 원인규명을 위하여 인간게놈에 대한 의학연구개발지원에 사용될 것입니다. 
The total amount will be used for the human suffering through a transparent and open international financial system, a grant from the around the world to the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization "all funds" is. As I mentioned above, is used to "Support Medical Research and Development" is about the human genome, to identify the cause of various diseases and medical assistance, to the "incurable disease, intractable disease" treatment of earth disaster and suffering around the world.

유엔세계재활기구는, 세계 각국의 저개발국가에게, 실질적인 "식량개발지원"과 "유엔병원"을, 무상으로 건립할 계획을 준비하고 있습니다.
We are preparing a plan to build a free real "Food Development Assistance" and "UN Hospital", the underdeveloped countries around the world, the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization.

아래에서 언급하였듯이, 유엔세계재활기구는 인류를 위해 공식적인 유엔 산하 기구로 요청한지가 26년이 흘러가고 있습니다. 
As discussed below, the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization, about 26 years is going to flow into the official UN organizations whether the request is for humanity.

2014년9월17일. 제69차 유엔총회의 소회의에서 인류의 “인간존엄성”에 대한 유엔세계재활기구의 비준상정통과를 거론하지 않았다는 것은, 유엔조직의 미래가 창의적이지 못하다는 것을 느꼈습니다. 
September 17, 2014. In small meeting of the "69th UN General Assembly", I felt that the organization of the United Nations, the future is not very creative that did not mention the "ratification assumed pass-through" of the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization of "human dignity" of mankind.

2015년9월17일. 제70차 유엔총회에서 “유엔세계재활기구의 비준상정통과”를 위해 모든 생각과 의견을 열어놓겠습니다.
September 17, 2015. In, "the 70th UN General Assembly," I'm putting all thoughts and opinions open to a "ratification assumed pass-through" of the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization.

유엔 및 세계 각국의 회원국들의  “유엔세계재활기구 한국유치”에 대한 부정적인 다수의견이 있을 경우, “유엔세계재활기구 한국유치”만을 고집하지 않겠습니다.
If you have a number of negative comments about the "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization attracting Korea", I will not insist on only the "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization attracting Korea," the UN and countries of the world.

오랜 세월동안, 한반도에 세계평화정착과 한국정부와 국민의 안녕을 위해서, 한국정부와 한국국민들에게, “유엔세계재활기구 한국유치”에 대해 이해와 설득시키는데, 한계를 느꼈습니다.
For a long time, for the world peace and the "comfort of the government and people of South Korea," the Korean Peninsula, South Korea and the people of South Korea, for the "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization Korea attract", to obtain the understanding and persuasion, I felt the limit.

지금 이 시각부터, 현재 유엔세계재활기구 본부가 있는 스위스 제네바 로잔에, “유엔세계재활기구 스위스 유치”도 긍정적 검토를 개진할 것입니다. 
Now from this time, now that the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization Headquarters, Geneva, Lausanne, Switzerland, "the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization Swiss attract" will also be put forward for a positive review.

Dear Sirs,

Pauline이 제안한 “Who's Who in the World”를 통한 세계 의견 반영의 전략은 매우 희망적이며, 창의적이라고 할 수 있습니다.
Is very promising, with a "Who's Who in the World" is a strategy of world opinion reflects Pauline suggested, may be called creative.

“Who's Who in the World”의 창의적인 헌신으로 인해, 2015년9월17일. 제70차 유엔총회에서 “유엔세계재활기구의 비준상정통과”가 될 수 있게 되기를 희망합니다.
Due to the creative commitment of "Who's Who in the World", September 17, 2015. I hope in the 70th UN General Assembly, to be able to be the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization "ratification assumed pass".

유엔세계재활기구는 인류의 미래를 걱정하는 공존된 시간대를 살아가는 엔젤조직인 “Who's Who in the World”와 함께하게 되어 무한한 영광으로 생각합니다. 
The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization is to live with the coexistence time zone to worry about the future of humanity Angel organization, "Who's Who in the World" I think the infinite glory.

2015년9월17일. 제70차 유엔총회에서 전 세계 각국의 “Who's Who in the World” 회원이 함께하는 자리에서 “유엔세계재활기구의 비준상정통과”를 기원합니다.
September 17, 2015. In the "Who's Who in the World" Member of the world together in place, "the 70th UN General Assembly", wishes to "pass intended ratification" of the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization.

(#)White House=United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization. 2014.09.20.  EMS(EM020656935KR). Dear sirs, We've suggested through various channels that give the support expressed for the "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization estimated passage and approval" to the government of Korea President Park Geun-hye, the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization. September 26, 2014. The UN General Assembly, entitled "International peace and human rights," the government of Korea President Park Geun-hye has, this speech is going. Was asked to give a presentation, "The United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization estimated support ratification pass" and the "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization attracting Korea" core of its contents. We've suggested to the "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization attracting Korea", give a presentation about the construction of the Saemangeum area in Jeollabuk, "the United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization UN city" with. We hope Mr. President Barack Obama's strong support for the consultation when proposed to Mr. President Barack Obama's presidential Park Geun-hye, and the "United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization" in connection with "the  United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization estimated passage and approval“. September 19, 2014. United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO) Mr. Jung-Sun, Kim. Chairman of UNWRO. 
http://www.wro5.com E-mail: wro5@wro5.com

October 14, 2014.

United Nations World Rehabilitation Organization (UNWRO)
Mr. Jung-Sun, Kim.
Chairman of UNWRO.

E-mail: wro5@wro5.com

s who_이미지_141026001 

이미지-Dear Mr Chairman_141026001

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